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News in Systemic Risk: Wednesday, November 6, 2019 (10 a.m. ET)

Five years of European banking supervision – things past and future (Andrea Enria; European Central Bank Banking Supervision)

The macroeconomic effects of forward communication (Leif Brubakk, Saskia Ter Ellen,  Ørjan Robstad, Hong Xu; Norges Bank)

Assessing Major Country Exposures of U.S. Banks Using 009a Data Reports: A Brexit Case Study (Alexander H von Hafften; Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System)

Exchange Rate Shocks and Inflation Comovement in the Euro Area (Danilo Leiva-Leon, Jaime Martinez-Martin, Eva Ortega; Bank of Spain)

20 Years of European Economic and Monetary Union: Selected takeaways from the ECB’s Sintra Forum (Philipp Hartmann, Glenn Schepens; VoxEU)

Eurozone countries need an exit door – Hungarian governor (CentralBanking)

New York Fed proposes three SOFR averages (CentralBanking)

Cuts in oil output may imperil Norway’s financial sector – Norges Bank (CentralBanking)