News in Systemic Risk: Wednesday, November 27, 2019 (10 a.m. ET)
Federal Reserve Supervision and Regulation Report (Federal Reserve Board)
Welcome address (Christine Lagarde; European Central Bank)
The future of stress testing – some further thoughts (Andrea Enria; European Central Bank)
Regulatory framework for haircuts on non-centrally cleared securities financing transactions (Financial Stability Board)
Guiding principles for the operationalisation of a sectoral countercyclical capital buffer (Bank for International Settlements)
The Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo for 20 years managed to be a key factor in maintaining a sound financial system (Fehmi Mehmeti; Bank for International Settlements)
Prolonged Low Interest Rates and Banking Stability (Kosuke Aoki, Ko Munakata, Nao Sudo; Bank of Japan)
Reserve Bank acting to bolster financial system resilience (Reserve Bank of New Zealand)