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News in Systemic Risk: Wednesday, November 23, 2016 (10 a.m. ET)

U.S. Election

Trump and the Future of Financial Regulation (WSJ)

Forget Treasury Secretary. This Trump Pick Matters Most to Banks (Bloomberg)

Despite Conflicts, Financial Overhaul Proposals Have Merit (New York Times)

Bank Regulator Weighs Tougher Restriction in Enforcement Actions Against Big Banks - Internal discussion is tied to the OCC’s rare move to strip the waivers in Wells Fargo’s September settlement (WSJ)

Justice Department ‘Hustle’ Case Against Bank of America Dies - The government doesn’t file a request to appeal a May ruling that threw out the fraud case tied to the financial crisis (WSJ)

EU Proposes Latest Pieces of Bank Rule Puzzle - Proposals would apply so-called total loss-absorbing capacity rules across the bloc (WSJ)

Tit-for-tat banking rules are a retrograde step - The EU risks giving US institutions an excuse to scale back operations (Financial Times View)

ECB:  ECB launches public consultation on a draft guidance on leveraged transactions

China banks risk Lehman moment as wholesale borrowing rises - Potential for contagion as banks move away from deposit funding (Financial Times)