News in Systemic Risk: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 (10 a.m. ET)
U.S. Election
House Republicans Ask Agencies to Freeze All Rulemakings - Will vote later this week on a bill to prevent last-minute regulations (WSJ)
German Banking Sector
Germany Threatens to Abandon Basel Talks If Demands Not Met (Bloomberg)
Bundesbank Says Low Interest Rates Encouraging Risk Build-Up (Bloomberg)
Bundesbank’s Andreas Dombret: What's the state of play in Germany's banking sector?
Bundesbank’s Claudia Buch: The Deutsche Bundesbank's 2016 Financial Stability Review
U.S. Stress Tests
Auditor’s Report Faults Fed on ‘Stress Tests’ - GAO says Fed needs to improve transparency and its oversight of mathematical models (WSJ)
GAO: Additional Actions Could Help Ensure the Achievement of Stress Test Goals
Fed’s Neel Kashkari Rolls Out Blueprint for Ending ‘Too Big to Fail’ Banks - Impact of ‘Minneapolis Plan’ unclear given Donald Trump’s calls for less regulation (WSJ)
EU agrees new rules for money market funds, eliminating some (Reuters)
Do we have a liquidity problem post-crisis? - Featuring keynote remarks by Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer (Brookings)
ECB’s Danièle Nouy: Times they are a-changin’ - the “new normal” and what it means for banks and supervisors
ECB’s Vítor Constâncio: Euro area - economic outlook and financial sector challenges
ECB Working Paper: Home bias in bank sovereign bond purchases and the bank-sovereign nexus