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News in Systemic Risk: Wednesday, January 29, 2020 (10 a.m. ET)

A Call for Vigilance After a Strong Year for Risky Assets (Tobias Adrian and Fabio Natalucci; International Monetary Fund)

Crowded trades, market clustering, and price instability (Marc van Kralingen, Diego Garlaschelli, Karolina Scholtus and Iman van Lelyveld; De Nederlandsche Bank)

Future of Fiscal Rules in the Euro Area (Vitor Gaspar; International Monetary Fund)

Brexit – A push for market integration (Peter Griep; Deutsche Bundesbank)

Skingsley: The way from the financial crisis and forward – the development of monetary policy (Cecilia Skingsley; Sveriges Riksbank)

PBoC extends market closure as coronavirus spreads rapidly (CentralBanking)

With Rates on Hold, Fed Faces Decisions on Its Balance Sheet (Nick Timiraos; Wall Street Journal)