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News in Systemic Risk: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 (10 a.m. ET)

Briefing: Trump and the Future of Financial Regulation -- Week Eight (WSJ)

Outgoing SEC Chair Says Congress Stifling Regulator’s Mission - SEC’s Mary Jo White criticizes SEC regulatory bill passed by U.S. House last week (WSJ)

Deutsche Bank Completes $7.2 Billion Mortgage Security Settlement With U.S. - German lender admits it made ‘false representations’ to investors (WSJ)

Italy resists Brussels’ tough love on banks - In theory, Rome has plenty to gain from embracing the ECB’s new regime (Financial Times)

U.K. Prime Minister’s Speech Points to Banks Losing Financial ‘Passport’ - Share prices rise, however, as the Brexit bite looks less severe to some than they had feared (WSJ)

Why Dodd-Frank Has Little to Fear From Constitutional Challenges (New York Times)

ECB’s Danièle Nouy:  European banking supervision – a necessary innovation