News in Systemic Risk: Wednesday, August 16, 2017 (10 a.m. ET)
Counterparty and Collateral Policies of Central Bank Lending Facilities (New York Fed)
Banking Supervision Newsletter: Summer 2017 (ECB)
New Financial Stability Governance Structures and Central Banks (Brookings)
Household Debt and Credit Report: Q2 2017 (New York Fed)
Fed’s Fischer Attacks Moves to Unwind Regulations (FT)
Central Banks Hold a Fifth of Their Governments’ Debt (FT)
South Korea Finance Minister Says Will Act to Stabilize Financial Markets if Needed (Reuters)
IMF Warns China over ‘Dangerous’ Levels of Debt (FT)
Americans’ Debt Level Notches a New Record High (Reuters)
Bank of England Staff Kick the Tires on Risky U.K. Car Loans (Bloomberg)