News in Systemic Risk: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 (10 a.m. ET)
Financial Crises, Macroeconomic Shocks, and the Government Balance Sheet: A Panel Analysis (Matteo Ruzzante; IMF)
On Bank Consolidation in a Currency Union (Fabio Di Vittorio, Delong Li, Hanlei Yun; IMF)
Basel tells big banks that simple might be better (Reuters)
Washington Wants to Weaken Bank Rules. Not Every Regulator Agrees. (New York Times)
Central banks need to think about non-bank bailouts- ECB's Lane (Reuters)
China's financial watchdog begins inspection of banks' risky lending – sources (Reuters)
Chinese banks under pressure from Beijing to boost capital (FT)
China issues new rules governing tri-party repos (Reuters)
China may unveil new asset management rules this week: China Daily (Reuters)
CFPB Considers Ending Public Access to Complaints About Banks (WSJ)
French central bank urges liquidity stress tests for funds (Reuters)
France to consider curbs on credit growth in June - central bank chief (Reuters)
UK markets watchdog urges joint action with EU on Brexit risks (Reuters)