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News in Systemic Risk: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 (10 a.m. ET)

Federal Reserve Board seeks comment on proposal to simplify its capital rules for large banks while preserving strong capital levels that would maintain their ability to lend under stressful conditions (Federal Reserve)

Completing the Banking Union with a European Deposit Insurance Scheme: who is afraid of cross-subsidisation? (Jacopo Carmassi, Sonja Dobkowitz, Johanne Evrard, Laura Parisi, André Silva, Michael Wedow; ECB)

Fix the Roof While the Window of Opportunity is Open: Three Priorities for the Global Economy – By Christine Lagarde, IMF Managing Director, Speech at University of Hong Kong (IMF)

Fed Floats First Major Big-Bank Rule Change of Trump Era (WSJ)

Federal Reserve proposes new capital rules for Wall Street (Reuters)

Wall Street Faces Higher Capital Demands Under Fed Proposal (Bloomberg)

Federal Reserve looks to streamline US banking stress tests (FT)

ECB study argues for joint safety net under euro zone depositors (Reuters)

China Opens Door to New $450-Billion Bank Funding Buffer (Bloomberg)

China suspends OTC options market to curb risks: sources (Reuters)

China Adds Flesh to Bones of Plan for Big Bang Financial Opening (Bloomberg)

China accelerates opening to foreign financial groups (FT)

Flood of Junk Issuance Raises Risks in China's Bond Market (Bloomberg)

Exclusive: Japanese, Chinese banks say rule changes may make their EU lending 'unsustainable' – letter (Reuters)

Bank of England defends response to financial crisis after criticism (FT)

Australia's competition watchdog to review banking oligopoly (Reuters)