News in Systemic Risk: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 (10 a.m. ET)
Preventive measures will not stop the next financial crisis (Axel Weber; FT)
The European banking sector - towards a single jurisdiction (Daniele Nouy; ECB)
The Benefits of European Supervision (Mario Draghi; ECB)
‘Neither a borrower nor a lender be’: How the sterling money markets dried up (BankUnderground)
The Bank of Japan’s High-Wire Act (Bloomberg)
Pakistan Budget Deficit May Widen as Fiscal Crisis Deepens (Bloomberg)
Turkish Lira Cedes Gains From Rate Euphoria Amid Dollar Binge (Bloomberg)
Tria's Balancing Act Leaves Investors Concerned About Government (Bloomberg)
China's Central Bank Has $1.3 Trillion Money-Fund Headache (Bloomberg)