News in Systemic Risk: Tuesday. September 17th, 2019 (10 a.m. ET)
Post-crisis repair and the profitability malady (A. Enria; European Central Bank)
Stock price cycles and business cycles (K. Adam, S. Merkel; European Central Bank)
The Future of Global Financial Centres After Brexit: A EU Perspective (S. Calo, V. Herzberg; Central Bank of Ireland)
Do conventional monetary policy instruments matter in unconventional times? (M. Buchholz, K. Schmidt, L. Tonzer; Deutche Bundesbank)
Preparing for Brexit in financial services: the state of play (A. Bailey; Financial Conduct Authority)
The Inflexible Structure of Global Supply Chains (T. Bayoumi, J. Barkema, D. Cerdeiro; International Monetary Fund)
Systemic Risk of the Consumer Credit Network across Financial Institutions (H. Hak Kim, H. Jung; Bank of Korea)
CFTC approves easing Volcker rule in split vote (V. Guida; PoliticoPro)