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News in Systemic Risk: Tuesday, October 4, 2016 (10 a.m. ET)

Deutsche Bank

Deutsche reawakens systemic fears amid talk of ‘Lehman moment’ - Investors are asking if the post-financial crisis reform of derivatives faces a serious test (Financial Times)

There’s a Little Bit of Deutsche in Every Bank - But if banks are so much better capitalized than before the financial crisis, why do their shares suggest they are riskier?  (Wall Street Journal) 

Crisis of Globalization Lies Behind Deutsche Bank’s Troubles - Investors doubt the bank can earn an economic return on its equity, particularly when the amount it’s required to hold is a moving target  (Wall Street Journal)

ECB Working Paper:  Bank exposures and sovereign stress transmission 

Speech by ECB’s Peter Praet:  Monetary policy and the euro area banking system 

Fear of $10 Billion – Are stories of banks keeping their assets under $10B to avoid heightened supervision and regulation true? (New York Fed - Liberty Street Economics)