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News in Systemic Risk: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 (10 a.m. ET)

Cross-border resolution cooperation and information-sharing: an overview of home and host authority experience (Patrizia Baudino, Tracy Richardson, Ruth Walters; Bank of International Settlements)

What is the repo market, and why does it matter? (Jeffrey Cheng, David Wessel; Brookings)

ECB keeps capital requirements and guidance for banks stable and increases transparency (European Central Bank Banking Supervision)

Liquidity Transformation Risks in U.S. Bank Loan and High-Yield Mutual FundsFunds (Kenechukwu Anadu, Fang Cai; Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)

Asset price inflation and monetary policy (Yves Mersch; European Central Bank)

Credit Spreads, Monetary Policy and the Price Puzzle (Benjamin Beckers; Reserve Bank of Australia)

Housing speculation and its economic consequences (Zhenyu Gao, Michael Sockin, Wei Xiong; VoxEU)