News in Systemic Risk: Tuesday, December 19, 2017 (10 a.m. ET)
Macroprudential Bulletin – Issue 4 (ECB)
A Macroeconomic Model with Financial Panics (Mark Gertler, Nobuhiro Kiyotaki, Andrea Prestipino; NBER)
The Year in Review: Global Economy in 5 Charts (Oya Celasun, Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti, Maurice Obstfeld; IMF Blog)
U.S. Economy in a Snapshot (New York Fed)
ECB Sees Bank Capital Demands Remaining Steady Beyond 2018 (Bloomberg)
EU Agency May Not Be Fully Prepared to Wind Down Failing Banks – Auditors (Reuters)
Italian Central Bank Chief Blames Recession and EU Rules for Bank Collapses (FT)
Transcript: WSJ Interview With San Francisco Fed’s John Williams (WSJ)
South Korea Financial Regulators Says ‘Virtual Currencies’ Are Not Currencies (Reuters)
Bitcoin Not a Threat to Financial Stability, Say European Economists (Guardian)
Central Banks, Trade and Bubbles Threaten the 2018 Status Quo (Reuters)
How Central Banks Are Using Big Data to Help Shape Policy (Bloomberg)