News in Systemic Risk: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 (10 a.m. ET)
Global Financial Stability Overview: Markets in the Time of COVID-19 (International Monetary Fund)
Volatility spillovers and capital buffers among the G-SIBs (Paul D McNelis and James Yetman; Bank of International Settlements)
EU banks sail through the Corona crisis with sound capital ratios (European Banking Authority)
FSB Chair updates Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors on COVID-19 response (Randal Quarles; Financial Stability Board)
Europe makes a down payment on economic solidarity (Jacob Funk Kirkegaard; Peterson Institute for International Economics)
Derby’s Take: A Pandemic Can Leave Long-Lasting Economic Damage, Fed Paper Says (Michael S. Derby; Wall Street Journal)
A historic OPEC+ deal to curb oil output faces many obstacles (The Economist)