News in Systemic Risk: Thursday, October 10, 2019 (10 a.m. ET)
Macroprudential policy - effectiveness, interactions and spillovers (Luigi Federico Signorini; Bank of International Settlements)
Account of the monetary policy meeting (European Central Bank)
Fed opts for asset purchases as liquidity solution (William Towning; CentralBanking)
Monetary Policy Communication, Policy Slope, and the Stock Market (Andreas Neuhierl and Michael Weber; European Central Bank)
Fed saw recession risk rising, threats to hiring, minutes show (Zachary Warmbrodt; CentralBanking)
Transcript: Q&A With Fed Chairman Jerome Powell in Denver (Lisa Emsbo-Mattingly; WSJ Pro Central Banking)
ECB Officials Were Divided Over Decision to Re-Start QE (Tom Fairless; WSJ Pro Central Banking)