News in Systemic Risk: Thursday, October 1, 2020 (10 a.m. ET) October 1, 2020 Federal Reserve Board announces it will extend for an additional quarter several measures to ensure that large banks maintain a high level of capital resilience (Federal Reserve Board of Governors) The International Architecture for Resolving Sovereign Debt Involving Private-Sector Creditors—Recent Developments, Challenges, And Reform Options (International Monetary Fund) ECB raises the bar on bank governance (Yves Mersch; European Central Bank) How does international capital flow? (Michael Kumhof, Phurichai Rungcharoenkitkul, Andrej Sokol; Bank for International Settlements) Currency hedging, exchange rate movement, and dollar swap line usage during the Covid-19 pandemic (Gordon Liao, Tony Zhang; VoxEU Related Stories High School Students Visit Yale SOM for Introduction to Careers in Business and Economics Visiting Yale, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Hails Program on Financial Stability Program on Financial Stability Receives $7.5 million