News in Systemic Risk: Thursday, May 3, 2018 (10 a.m. ET)
Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement (Federal Reserve)
BIS monthly newsletter – May 2018 (BIS)
Financial integration in Europe (ECB)
Why EMU requires more financial integration – Keynote speech by Vítor Constâncio (ECB)
Euro area financial integration improves in 2017 (ECB)
Volatility Strikes Back (Sergei Antoshin, Fabio Cortes, Will Kerry, Thomas Piontek; IMF Blog)
Liquidity ousts leverage as the big market worry (FT)
British banking leverage remains ‘dangerously high’ (FT)
ECB must think of broader picture when deciding on banks: Angeloni (Reuters)
Euro zone wasting benefits of financial integration: ECB (Reuters)
Euro zone economy to slow next year, downside risks increase: Commission (Reuters)
Luxembourg says UK banks must be realistic about EU access after Brexit (Reuters)