Lessons and Lasting Effects of the Pandemic (Luci Ellis; Reserve Bank of Australia)
Algorithmic and High-frequency Trading in Hong Kong’s Equity Market: Adoption, Market Impact and Risk Management (Hong Kong Monetary Authority)
Monetary Policy Shocks and the Employment of Young, Middle-Aged, and Old Workers (Fumitaka Nakamura, Nao Sudo, Yu Sugisaki; Bank of Japan)
Report of the Task Force on Financial Stability (Glenn Hubbard, Donald Kohn, Laurie Goodman, Kathryn Judge, Anil Kashyap, Ralph Koijen, Blythe Masters, Sandie O’Connor, Kara Stein; Brookings Institution)
The RBI’s next big question: how to normalise monetary policy? (Karan Mehrishi; Central Banking)