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News in Systemic Risk: Thursday, December 14, 2017 (10 a.m. ET)

The Macroeconomic Effects of Asset Purchases Revisited (Henning Hesse, Boris Hofmann, James Weber; BIS)

Bank Business Models: Popularity and Performance (Rungporn Roengpitya, Nikola Tarashev, Kostas Tsatsaronis, Alan Villegas; BIS)

Corporate Leverage in EMEs: Did the Global Financial Crisis Change the Determinants? (Snehal S Herwadkar; BIS)

Federal Reserve Issues FOMC Statement (Federal Reserve)

Transcript of Chair Yellen’s Press Conference Opening Remarks (Federal Reserve)

International Standard-Setting Bodies Launch Surveys on Incentives to Centrally Clear OTC Derivatives Trades (FSB)

Prudential Treatment of Problem Assets – Executive Summary (BIS)

IFRS 9 and Expected Loss Provisioning – Executive Summary (BIS)

Federal Reserve Board and Federal Open Market Committee Release Economic Projections from the December 12-13 FOMC Meeting (Federal Reserve)

December 2017 Eurosystem Staff Macroeconomic Projections for the Euro Area (ECB)

Propping Up the Chinese Economy: Credit versus Fiscal Stimulus (Sophia Chen, Lev Ratnovski; IMF Blog)

Single Resolution Board and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Sign Cooperation Agreement (FDIC)

Changes to Collateral Eligibility Criteria for Unsecured Bank Bonds (ECB)

Yellen: No Big Differences Between Her, Powell on Bank Rules (WSJ)

Yellen Pans Bitcoin Boom, Shows Scant Worry Over Surging Stocks (Bloomberg)

Is Bitcoin a Bubble? 96% of Economists Say ‘Yes’ (WSJ)

Battle for Banking Union Hangs Over the Eurozone (FT)

Europe’s Central Banks Still Cautious on Recovery (WSJ)

China Lenders Lobby to Soften Shadow Bank Rules (FT)

Banks Lobby for Reprieve on Key Part of Mifid II Rules (FT)