News in Systemic Risk: Thursday, April 23, 2020 (10 a.m. ET)
ECB takes steps to mitigate impact of possible rating downgrades on collateral availability (European Central Bank)
Insurance regulatory measures in response to Covid-19 (Jeffery Yong; Bank of International Settlements)
Longer-Run Economic Consequences of Pandemics (Oscar Jorda, Sanjay R. Singh, Alan M. Taylor; Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)
The Janus face of bank geographic complexity (Iñaki Aldasoro, Bryan Hardy and Maximilian Jager; Bank of International Settlements)
Bank portfolio risk profiles vs the zero lower bound (Johannes Bubeck, Angela Maddaloni, José-Luis Peydró; VoxEU)
More Coronavirus Aid to Small Businesses Is Coming, But It Might Not Be Enough (Amara Omeokwe; Wall Street Journal)