News in Systemic Risk: Monday, September 9, 2019 (10 a.m. ET)
What happens if Trump tries to fire Fed chair Jerome Powell? (Peter Conti-Brown; Brookings Hutchins Center)
30 years of forecasting: have central banks learned anything? (Daniel Hinge; Central Banking .com)
New Index Tracks Trade Uncertainty Across the Globe (Hites Ahir, Nicholas Bloom, Davide Furceri; International Monetary Fund)
Federal Reserve Board invites public comment on proposal to establish capital requirements for certain insurance companies supervised by the Board (Federal Reserve Board)
EBA will clarify the prudential treatment applicable to own funds instruments at the end of the grandfathering period expiring on 31 December 2021 (European Banking Authority)
Globalization and the Geography of Capital Flows (Carol C Bertaut, Beau Bressler, Stephanie Curcuru; Federal Reserve Board)
Do Monetary Policy Announcements Shift Household Expectations? (Daniel J. Lewis, Christos Makridis, Karel Mertens; Federal Reserve Bank of New York)