News in Systemic Risk: Monday, November 27, 2017 (10 a.m. ET)
Overcoming Non-Performing Loan Market Failures with Transaction Platforms (John Fell, Maciej Grodzicki, Dejan Krušec, Reiner Martin, Edward O’Brien; ECB)
Progress and Developments in Banking Supervision - Speech by Danièle Nouy (ECB)
Policy Analysis with Big Data (ECB)
Banks in the Euro Area are Progressing in Implementing IFRS 9 Accounting Standard (ECB)
Left Out in the Cold? The Bipartisan Senate Bill and G-SIBS, Other Large Banks and Foreign Banks (Davis Polk)
What Makes a Safe Asset Safe? (Liberty Street Economics)
Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee, October 31-November 1, 2017 (Federal Reserve)
The Mortgage Rate Conundrum (Alejandro Justiniano, Giorgio E. Primiceri, Andrea Tambalotti; Federal Reserve)
Banks Will Keep Supporting Libor until 2021 - FCA (FT)
CFTC Chief Works to Tweak, Not Decimate, Obama-Era Rules (WSJ)
Regulators Signal They Are Nearing Post-Crisis Rules for Global Banks (FT)
Regulator Apologises for 'Basel IV' Bank Rules Delay (FT)
Fed Chairman Nominee Powell Likely Faces Smooth Path to Confirmation (WSJ)
Europe's Banks Shed UK-Related Assets (FT)
EU Banks Have Cut Exposure to Britain Since Brexit Vote (Reuters)
ECB Says Bad-Loan Market Could Be Aided by An Actual Market for Bad Loans (Bloomberg)
ECB Urges Europe-Wide Trading Platform for Bad Bank Loans (Reuters)
EU Fires Starting Gun for Banks vs. Fintech Fight over Payments (Reuters)
Bank of France Warns on Need to Avoid 'Cliff-Edge' Brexit (Bloomberg)
Debt Increase Drives China's Asset Management Reforms (FT)
China, Wary of Market Risks, Likely to Keep GDP Target in 2018: Policy Sources (Reuters)