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News in Systemic Risk: Monday, November 20, 2017 (10 a.m. ET)

Capital and Currency-Based Macroprudential Policies: An Evaluation Using Credit Registry Data (Horacio A Aguirre, Gastón Repetto; BIS)

The European Banking Sector – the Big Challenges (ECB)

Credit Supply Responses to Reserve Requirement: Loan-Level Evidence from Macroprudential Policy (João Barata R B Barroso, Rodrigo Barbone Gonzalez, Bernardus F Nazar Van Doornik; BIS)

Loan-to-Value Policy and Housing Finance: Effects on Constrained Borrowers (Douglas Kiarelly Godoy de Araujo, João Barata R B Barroso, Rodrigo Barbone Gonzalez; BIS)

Credit Growth and Economic Recovery in Europe After the Global Financial Crisis (Sergei Antoshin, Marco Arena, Nikolay Gueorguiev, Tonny Lybek, John Ralyea, Etienne B Yehoue; IMF)

Federal Reserve Board Extends Comment Periods for Two Related Proposals Until February 15, 2018 (Federal Reserve)

"The Changing Financial Footprint and Its Effects on Competition and Banking" - Remarks by FDIC Vice Chairman Thomas M. Hoenig delivered to the Western Independent Bankers Directors Conference in San Francisco, CA (FDIC)

What a Debt Crisis in the Provinces Says About Governing China (Economist)

China Moves to Tackle Asset-Management Risks (WSJ)

China Clampdown Signals ‘New Era’ for $15 Trillion in Funds (Bloomberg)

Diverging China Credit Data Seen as Sign Deleveraging Is Working (Bloomberg)

Treasury Calls for Overhaul of Systemically Important Designation (WSJ)

U.S. Bank Examiners to Show Lighter Touch, OCC’s Noreika Says (Reuters)

Weidmann Lays Out Conditions for Common Eurozone Bank Deposit Scheme (FT)

Soured Euro Zone Bank Loans an Urgent Issue – ECB’s Jazbec (Reuters)

US Fund Body Warns of Global Risk from ‘Delegation’ Clash (FT)

Zions to Challenge Its ‘Big Bank’ Label (WSJ)