News in Systemic Risk: Monday, March 12, 2018 (10 a.m. ET)
BIS Quarterly Review, March 2018 (BIS)
The Global Banking Network: What is Behind the Increasing Regionalization Trend? (Eugenio M Cerutti, Haonan Zhou; IMF)
Macroprudential Stress Tests: A Reduced-Form Approach to Quantifying Systemic Risk Losses (Zineddine Alla, Raphael A Espinoza, Qiaoluan H. Li, Miguel A. Segoviano Basurto; IMF)
Forecasts in Times of Crises (Theo S. Eicher, David J. Kuenzel, Chris Papageorgiou, Charis Christofides; IMF)
Banks’ Maturity Transformation: Risk, Reward, and Policy (Pierluigi Bologna; IMF)
Common lenders in emerging Asia: their changing roles in three crises (Catherine Koch, Eli M Remolona; BIS)
The new US intermediate holding companies: reducing or shifting assets? (Lawrence L Kreicher, Robert N McCauley; BIS)
What deregulation bill offers US banks (FT)
China Banking Crisis Warning Signal Still Flashing, BIS Says (Bloomberg)
China banking regulator to broaden capital tools for commercial banks (Reuters)
Chinese banks sixth-largest global creditor group: BIS (Reuters)
European Commission seeks to fire up Capital Markets Union plans (FT)
EU pushes ahead with building capital market foundations (Reuters)
Passive Bond Funds Rewarding Debt Danger Stability, Says BIS (Bloomberg)