News in Systemic Risk: Monday, July 24, 2017 (10 a.m. ET)
Regulators Say They Won’t Enforce ‘Volcker Rule’ for Foreign Banks (WSJ)
China Regulator Tells Insurers to Keep Their Noses Clean (WSJ)
Trump’s Move on Wall Street Pay Too Late For Bankers (WSJ)
In China, Herd of ‘Gray Rhinos’ Threatens Economy (New York Times)
U.S. Foresaw Better Return in Seizing Fannie and Freddie Profits (New York Times)
Bond Bubble Brews as Central Banks Retreat from QE (FT)
Investors Strive to Keep European Bank CEO Pay Below US Levels (FT)
British Lawmakers Seek Way for Banks to Keep EU Access After Brexit (Reuters)
Claudia Buch: How Can We Protect Economies from Financial Crises? (BIS)
Federal Regulatory Agencies Announce Coordination of Reviews for Certain Foreign Funds under “Volcker Rule” (Fed Reserve)
Zombie Companies Keep ECB Policymakers Awake at Night (FT)
World Economic Outlook Update, July 2017 (IMF)
David Rule: Changing Risks and the Search for Yield on Solvency II Capital (BIS)
Central Banking in Times of Technological Progress (ECB)
Greece to Return to Bond Market After Three-Year Hiatus (Bloomberg)
Alexis Tsipras: Worst of Greek Crisis ‘Clearly Behind Us’ (Politico)