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News in Systemic Risk: Monday, February 6, 2017 (10 a.m. ET)

Dodd-Frank Roll Back

Trump Signs Actions to Begin Scaling Back Dodd-Frank - The financial-overhaul law was put in place in the wake of the financial crisis (WSJ)

Donald Trump Plans to Undo Dodd-Frank Law, Fiduciary Rule - White House adviser Gary Cohn says banks burdened by rules added after financial crisis (WSJ)

U.S. to World: Banking Deregulation Race Back On - Plan poses a threat to the hard-won health of the world’s banking system (WSJ)

  Trump's New Rules Will Shake Up Global Banking (WSJ)

   Trump Moves to Roll Back Obama-Era Financial Regulations (New York Times)

Gary Cohn’s Vision for a Regulatory Rethink - Trump’s senior economic adviser says big American banks are overcapitalized, over-regulated and restrained from providing credit (WSJ)

How Big Banks Want Donald Trump to Change Regulation - Banks are also looking for a change in tone among regulators, saying relations have become too adversarial in recent years (WSJ)

Republicans Get Ready to Roll Back Dodd-Frank Law - Legislative challenge will primarily play out in Senate, where GOP holds 52 seats, but passage of overhaul likely would require 60 votes (WSJ)

Stress Tests

Fed:  Fed releases hypothetical scenarios and instructions for 2017 stress test exercises

Fed Toughens Stress Test for Banks - Scenario includes unemployment rate above 10% and a severe recession in the euro area (WSJ)

A Synthetic CDO by Any Other Name Is Still Risky (Bloomberg Gadfly)

BIS’s Jaime Caruana:  International financial crises: new understandings, new data

ECB’s Vítor Constâncio:  Resolving Europe’s NPL burden: challenges and benefits