News in Systemic Risk: Monday, February 27, 2017 (10 a.m. ET)
Former Regulators Warn Against Financial Deregulation - ‘Now is not the moment to relax or to retreat,’ Systemic Risk Council tells G-20 leaders (WSJ)
Our stable financial system benefits everyone - Jeopardising the repairs carried out by regulators would be misguided (Financial Times)
BoE official warns against return to ‘light-touch’ regulation - Sam Woods says moves to retreat on bank rules are ‘misguided’ (Financial Times)
Competing Priorities Bog Down Efforts to Quickly Roll Back Dodd-Frank - White House places a higher priority on issues such as taxes, and Democrats aren’t in a mood to cooperate (WSJ)
BIS: Basel III - The Net Stable Funding Ratio: frequently asked questions
ECB Working Paper: Macro stress testing euro area banks' fees and commissions