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News in Systemic Risk: Monday, February 20, 2017 (10 a.m. ET)

Will Trump’s Deregulation Sew Seeds of Financial Crisis? (Bloomberg)

Trump’s Man for the SEC: Time to Ease Regulation - Jay Clayton’s legal work has dealt with some of the biggest challenges agency has faced (WSJ)

Central bank independence is losing its lustre - Monetary policy involves trade-offs that are fundamentally political in nature (Financial Times)

Who’s Sucking Up All the World’s Safest Bonds? - Tightening regulation is causing a dearth of safe assets, with clearinghouses at the center of the issue (WSJ)

Chinese Bank Cleanup Plan Could Leave a Mess - Attempts by China’s regulators to stem the use of shadow financing tools by the nation’s lenders haven’t been working (WSJ)

Just Released: Total Household Debt Nears 2008 Peak but Debt Picture Looks Much Different (New York Fed’s Liberty Street Economics blog)

FSB:  FSB Regional Consultative Group for Sub-Saharan Africa discusses corporate governance, macroprudential frameworks and shadow banking

ECB’s Sabine Lautenschläger:  Interview with Deutschlandfunk