News in Systemic Risk: Monday, August 19, 2019 (10 a.m. ET)
Liquidity Ratios as Monetary Policy Tools: Some Historical Lessons for Macroprudential Policy (Eric Monnet, Miklos Vari; International Monetary Fund)
Finding the Bad Apples in the Barrel: Using the Market Value of Equity to Signal Banking Sector Vulnerabilities (Will Kerry; International Monetary Fund)
Emerging Challenges to Financial Stability (Shri Shaktikanta Das; Reserve Bank of India)
International business cycle co-movement in the global production network (Zhen Huo, Andrei Levchenko, Nitya Pandalai-Nayar; VoxEU)
Externalities - and cheating - in the financial crisis (Marcus Miller, Lei Zhang; VoxEU)
Mark Carney on joined-up policy-making, forward guidance and Brexit (Christopher Jeffery, Daniel Hinge; Central Banking .com)
Expected Volcker Rule Update a Win for Large Banks (Lalita Clozel; Wall Street Journal)
What’s the Deal With That Inverted Yield Curve? A Sports Analogy Might Help (Neil Irwin; New York Times)