News in Systemic Risk: Friday, May 10, 2019 (10 a.m. ET)
Cyber security: finding responses to global threats (Financial Stability Board)
Towards a more cyber secure financial system: the role of central banks (ECB)
Cyber resilience as a global public good (ECB)
Working paper no. 2279: Uncertainty shocks, monetary policy and long-term interest rates (ECB)
No. 493 - Assessing financial stability risks from the real estate market in Italy: an update (Federica Ciocchetta and Wanda Cornacchia, Banca D’Italia)
No. 494 - The evolution of the Pillar 2 framework for banks: some thoughts after the financial crisis (Marco Bevilacqua, Francesco Cannata, Silvia Cardarelli, Raffaele Arturo Cristiano, Simona Gallina and Michele Petronzi, Banca D'Italia)
No. 497 - An indicator of macro-financial stress for Italy (Arianna Miglietta and Fabrizio Venditti, Banca D'Italia)