News in Systemic Risk: Friday, March 5, 2021 (10 a.m. ET) March 5, 2021 Levelling the playing field or: How I learned to stop worrying about market fragmentation and love global regulatory cooperation (Carolyn Rogers; Bank for International Settlements) Precision of Public Information Disclosures, Banks’ Stability and Welfare (Diego Moreno, Tuomas Takalo; Bank of Finland) Why is the Default Rate So Low? How Economic Conditions and Public Policies Have Shaped Mortgage and Auto Delinquencies During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Lisa Dettling, Lauren Lambie-Hanson; Federal Reserve Board of Governors) Ecuadorian politicians clash over central bank independence (Ben Margulies; Central Banking) Libor to cease for most currencies by end of 2021 (Philip Stafford; Financial Times)