News in Systemic Risk: Friday, June 8, 2018 (10 a.m. ET)
Targeting financial stability: macroprudential or monetary policy? (David Aikman, Julia Giese, Sujit Kapadia, Michael McLeay; Bank of England)
Bank runs, prudential tools and social welfare in a global game general equilibrium model (Daisuke Ikeda; Bank of England)
Central bank risk management in times of monetary policy normalization – Speech by Yves Mersch (ECB)
How do banks and households manage interest rate risk? Evidence from mortgage applications and banks’ responses (Christoph Basten, Benjamin Guin, Cathérine Koch; Bank of England)
Federal Reserve Board announces schedule for results from Dodd-Frank Act stress tests and Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR) (Federal Reserve)
A Guide to China’s $10 Trillion Shadow-Banking Maze (Bloomberg)
IMF, Argentina Agree on $50 Billion Bailout Deal (WSJ)
Argentina Wins $50 Billion in IMF Backing to Bolster Economy (Bloomberg)
Inside Crisis Central With a German Central Banker (Bloomberg)
UK financial watchdogs need competitiveness remit after Brexit: lawmaker (Reuters)
Japan’s Lenders Need to Be More Nimble Investors, Ex-Banker Says (Bloomberg)
China's $11 Trillion Bond Market Tested by Rising Defaults (Bloomberg)