News in Systemic Risk: Friday, June 4, 2021 (10 a.m. ET) June 4, 2021 The risk management approach to macro-prudential policy (Sulkhan Chavleishvili, Robert F. Engle, Stephan Fahr, Manfred Kremer, Simone Manganelli, Bernd Schwaab; European Central Bank) CP10/21 - Implementation of Basel standards: Non-performing loan securitisations (Bank of England) The Internal Capital Markets of Global Dealer Banks (Arun Gupta; Federal Reserve Board of Governors) The transmission mechanism of the ECB's Corporate Sector Purchase Programme (Frank Betz, Roberto De Santis, Andrea Zaghini; VoxEU) Analysis: A 'tsunami' of cash is driving rates ever lower. What will the Fed do? (Jonnelle Marte; Reuters) Powell Diverges From European Central Bankers on Climate Policy (Christopher Condon, Carolynn Look, William Horobin; Bloomberg) Central banks face legal risk over climate – ECB’s Elderson (Daniel Hinge; Central Banking) Related Stories High School Students Visit Yale SOM for Introduction to Careers in Business and Economics Visiting Yale, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Hails Program on Financial Stability Program on Financial Stability Receives $7.5 million