News in Systemic Risk: Friday, June 25, 2021 (10 a.m. ET) June 25, 2021 Federal Reserve Board releases results of annual bank stress tests, which show that large banks continue to have strong capital levels and could continue lending to households and businesses during a severe recession (Federal Reserve Board of Governors) Decisions taken by the Governing Council of the ECB (in addition to decisions setting interest rates) (European Central Bank) ECB takes over supervision of systemic investment firms (ECB Banking Supervision) The role of non-bank financial intermediaries in the ‘dash for cash’ in sterling markets (Robert Czech, Bernat Gual-Ricart, Joshua Lillis and Jack Worlidge; Bank of England) Related Stories High School Students Visit Yale SOM for Introduction to Careers in Business and Economics Visiting Yale, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Hails Program on Financial Stability Program on Financial Stability Receives $7.5 million