News in Systemic Risk: Friday, June 15, 2018 (10 a.m. ET)
Comptroller of the Currency Discusses Priorities for the Federal Banking System (OCC)
The euro area economic outlook and completion of EMU – Benoît Cœuré (ECB)
The impact of the leverage ratio on client clearing (Jonathan Acosta-Smith, Gerardo Ferrara, Francesc Rodriguez-Tous; Bank of England)
Fed Limits Credit Exposure Big Banks Can Have With Each Other (WSJ)
U.S. Fed finalizes rule limiting bank exposure to single counterparties (Reuters)
Fed Caps How Much Giant Banks Can Be Each Other's Customers (Bloomberg)
Federal Reserve approves rule capping big banks’ credit exposure (FT)
The EU Is Emerging as the New Sheriff for Global Financial Markets (Bloomberg)
Volcker 'fix' may cause new headaches for Wall Street (Reuters)
Mexican financial authorities see market volatility on Fed normalization (Reuters)
China’s Push to Tame Debt Starts to Sting Economy (WSJ)
Slowdown, default risks to prompt China reserve cut-sources (Reuters)