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News in Systemic Risk: Friday, December 2, 2016 (10 a.m. ET)

U.S. Election

Bill Raising Risky Bank Asset Threshold Passes House (Bloomberg BNA)

House Passes Bill to Change Criteria for Labeling Banks as ‘Systemically Important’ - Although Senate isn't expected to act, legislation foreshadows likely fight ahead as Republicans gain control of both chambers and White House (WSJ)

Bank of Mexico’s Agustín Carstens Leaving to Lead Bank for International Settlements - Central banker will be the first BIS leader to come from an emerging-market country (WSJ)

Italians to Stress Test EU Financial Regulators With Referendum - Sunday’s constitutional referendum puts Italy’s finance sector in the political crosshairs (WSJ)

Oil-Price Rebound Gives Banks New Reason to Cheer - Some bank shares hit or neared postcrisis highs after Wednesday’s OPEC deal; higher crude prices alleviate some worries about loan repayments by oil companies (WSJ)

Transcript: WSJ Interview With Dallas Fed President Robert Kaplan - Central banker discusses the labor market, high student debt levels and economic challenges in China

Making Macroprudential Hay When the Sun Shines (Bank of England Bank Underground Blog)

FSB:  FSB Regional Consultative Group for Asia discusses macroprudential frameworks, financial technology and correspondent banking

BIS:  International banking supervisory community meets to discuss the regulatory framework