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Dean Charles visits Seattle
Dean Kerwin Charles with SOM alumni (and future alumni) in Seattle, Washington

Dean Kerwin Charles Visits with the SOM Family around the World

In a series of alumni gatherings held on three continents, Dean Charles met with alums to discuss the school’s latest initiatives and the enduring mission that binds the SOM family together.

Over the course of the last year, Dean Kerwin Charles has joined alumni gatherings in the capital of China, in the heart of the Silicon Valley tech industry, and on the edges of London’s financial district, among many other locations. Across these very different locales, he says, he found something constant. “At every gathering, I felt the connection and shared sense of purpose of our alums. It’s truly remarkable. Wherever they are around the world, this school’s graduates care in a very palpable way about the mutual effort to educate leaders for business and society.”

Charles traveled across three continents and met with hundreds of alumni in gatherings large and small. He says he was particularly gratified to get to areas he hadn’t been to before, and to engage with alums in the communities where they live and work. “The alums are the manifestation of what we wish to do. Everywhere I went, I met persons who have worked with government and then moved to the private sector, and people who’ve crossed silos within the private sector, and people who have entrepreneurial ideas that involve all the sectors. I learned something about the world and how we can prepare our students to make a difference in every one of those conversations.”

The activity of supporters around the world is essential to the school, Charles says. At every stop, he participated in numerous meetings, in addition to public gatherings, to advance the school’s effort to build relationships with recruiters, strengthen the admissions pipeline, raise financial resources, and increase alumni engagement. “When I ask a group of alums for help for the school,” he says. “I always get a response. One hundred percent of the time someone raises their hand. That’s not because I am miraculously persuasive. That’s because people care about this school and its mission.”

With Commencement on the horizon, Charles notes that today’s students will be tomorrow’s alumni exemplars and stewards of the mission. “I feel honored to be in this role and to represent the school nearly every second, but I would say that I feel even more delighted and more humbled when I’m with alums of the Yale School Management.”

Alumni Visits, 2023-24

Seattle, Washington, USA

September 26, 2023
Dean’s Reception
Distance from Evans Hall: 2,433 miles
Attendees: 145

Charles connected with alumni in a venue overlooking the Puget Sound and the Olympic Mountains.

I’m thrilled that Dean Charles visited Seattle, connected with so many alums here, and shared updates on all of the new and exciting developments at SOM (along with the challenges). I feel very grateful that he is currently at the helm, and I have pride and confidence in the direction he is leading. He is creating something really special at SOM.

Michael Blue ’05
Dean Charles visits Seattle
Kerwin Charles meeting alumni
Dean Charles visits Seattle


October 5, 2023
Virtual Launch of SOMos Yale: SOM's Latino & Hispanic Alumni Affinity Group
Distance from Evans Hall: 0–∞

Charles joined the launch of SOMos Yale, SOM’s Latino & Hispanic alumni affinity group. The group discussed how attendees can get involved and further engage the Latino community.

New York City, New York, USA

October 11, 2023 
NYC Chapter Alumni Award Banquet 
Distance from Evans Hall: 67 miles 
Attendees: 168

Charles gave remarks and joined in an evening of celebration to honor this year’s Leadership in Business and Society Award Recipients: Adam Blumenthal ‘89 and Paula Volent ’98

Dean Charles’s remarks about SOM being ‘our school’ as alumni resonated deeply. Whenever a prospective student asks me for advice when choosing a business school, I always counsel them that even though they may only attend for two years, the memories they form, the relationships they develop, and their affiliation to the school will be lifelong. The value of a degree from any school is only as strong as the alumni who came before and the students who come after, so I always encourage people to think about their choice as a lifelong commitment rather than as a transaction.

Tanmay Manohar ’16

London, UK

November 12-16, 2023
Dean’s Reception
Distance from Evans Hall: 3,390 miles
Attendees: 60

Charles hopped over the pond to meet with SOM alums, including some of the most recent graduates, in the heart of London. He was assisted by a special guest, the five-year-old daughter of one of the attending alums.

New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

January 11-12, 2024
Broad Forum
Distance from Evans Hall: 1,238 miles
Attendees: 200 from The Broad Center network

The Broad Forum is a reunion for education leaders across the country who completed one of The Broad Center programs. In addition to meeting with alums both in and outside of the formal event, Charles participated in a keynote talk about the challenges and realities of pursuing an ideal of racial equity.

Reporter Laura Meckler and Dean Charles in chairs conversation
Three Broad alumni in conversation at table
Broad alum thoughtful, close up of face
Panel of education leaders

Houston, Texas, USA

January 23, 2024
Dean’s Reception
Distance from Evans Hall: 1,486 miles
Attendees: 63

Dallas, Texas, USA

January 25, 2024
Dean’s Reception
Distance from Evans Hall: 1,436 miles
Attendees: 65

In a swing through the Lone Star State, Charles met with alumni and admitted students in two of the largest cities in the state.

Kerwin Charles speaking with alumni.
Kerwin Charles speaking with alumni

New York City, New York, USA

February 10, 2024
Yale SOM Alumni @ Brooklyn Nets Game
Distance from Evans Hall: 70 miles
Attendees: 104

Following a number of meetings and a campaign reception earlier that month, Charles joined other basketball fans (who happened to be SOM alums) to watch the Brooklyn Nets play the San Antonio Spurs. They also heard a talk by Sam Zussman, the CEO of the Nets, on the business of basketball moderated by Tanmay Manohar ’16, president of the Yale SOM NYC Alumni Chapter Board.

Nets game alumni reception in Brooklyn, February 2024
Nets game alumni reception in Brooklyn, February 2024

We are so impressed by Dean Charles’s vision for the future of SOM! A great new chapter awaits!

Selina Xing ’10
Dean Charles with Selina Xing in NYC

Palo Alto, California, USA

February 12, 2024 
Dean’s Reception 
Distance from Evans Hall: 2,607 miles 
Attendees: 158

Charles ventured into the heart of tech country (and the home of a rival B-school) to meet with SOM alums.

Dean Charles’s remarks made me very happy to see that the values that originally drew me to SOM are still alive and well today. I appreciate his leadership to ensure that these values are embodied in new ways that are relevant for our current times yet remain true and eternal.

Lawrence Lee ’99
Dean Charles with alums at Palo Alto reception, February 2024
Dean Charles with alums at Palo Alto reception, February 2024

Beijing, China

March 7-12, 2024
Yale Center Beijing 10th Anniversary Events & Dean’s Reception
Distance from Evans Hall: 6,794 miles
Attendees: 102 (at Dean’s Reception)

Over five days in Beijing, Charles attended anniversary events at the Yale Center Beijing, met with the center's Advisory Committee and the school’s Greater China Board of Advisors, and even toured the Forbidden City.

Dean Charles’s first visit was incredibly meaningful for the SOM community in China, which is a robust and involved one. From his thoughtful comments about the school’s mission and priorities, to the warm way he connected with students, board members, and alumni from all generations, Dean Charles’s presence reinforced my pride to be an SOM alum and my dedication to his vision for the school’s future.

David Li ’94

It’s always great to hear directly from the dean on updates about SOM and its exciting initiatives and programs. It’s also great to see Dean Kerwin Charles’s visit give us an opportunity to draw alumni and prospective students closer to showcase the essence of SOM—educating leaders for business and society.

Judy Zhang ’12
Dean Charles at Yale Center Beijing 10th Anniversary, Beijing, March 2024
Dean Charles speaking at Alumni & Campaign Reception, Beijing, March 2024
Dean Charles with group at Forbidden City, Beijing, March 2024

Hong Kong

March 13, 2024
Dean’s Reception
Distance from Evans Hall: 8,019 miles
Attendees: 102

Hong Kong is home to more than 100 SOM graduates. Charles met with alums in the 56th-floor dining room of the Island Shangri-La Hotel with extensive views of Victoria Harbor.

As I reflect on Dean Charles’s inspiring words in Hong Kong and the vibrant energy of our Yale community, I’m reminded that our MBA journey isn’t just about business success—it’s about social impact. Let’s continue to give back, ensuring our alma mater’s legacy of leadership for societal good endures beyond our time.

Maggie Chen ’10

It was fantastic seeing Dean Kerwin Charles! It was his first visit to China, and for us it was not a disappointment. He is a fantastic speaker.

Sam Wong ’89
Alums at Hong Kong Reception, March 2024
Dean Charles speaking at Alum & Campaign Reception, Hong Kong, March 2024

Mexico City, Mexico

April 7-10, 2024
Dean’s Reception
Distance from Evans Hall: 2,160 miles
Attendees: 47

Charles joined the Mexico chapter for a spirited discussion about the school’s mission and future.

Having Dean Charles travel to Mexico to meet with alumni was a powerful symbol. It showed Yale SOM’s commitment to its global community and its recognition of the value we bring. I was excited for the opportunity of sharing my experiences and insights with the dean and learning about SOM’s vision for the future and how our school continues to support its alumni abroad. We’re all looking forward to having him back soon to keep that bridge with SOM strong!

Manuel Morales Ancira ’21
Dean Charles with María Leroux Padilla '23 in Mexico City, April 2024
Dean Charles with María Leroux Padilla '23 in Mexico City, April 2024

New York City, New York, USA

April 20, 2024
Women’s Circles Symposium: Changing Perspectives
Distance from Evans Hall: 67 miles
Attendees: 63

Charles joined the culminating discussion of a series of events devoted to discussion of how to collaboratively chart a course forward to mitigate bias and advance women's leadership. More Women’s Circle events are being planned for the future, including new locations.

Fellow alum and expert inclusion educator Becca Constantine had led us through several phenomenal months of learning and growth, and to have Kerwin and his wife, Annette, join our final session in April and be fully engaged alongside us meant so much to the alumni and current students who were in attendance.