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MAM Headlines

A large lecture hall is filled with attendees seated in tiered rows, facing a panel of five speakers at the front. The panelists are seated at a long table covered with a white tablecloth, and a moderator is standing at a podium to the right. Three large screens above the panel display an image of a modern building. The audience is engaged, with some taking notes and others using laptops or phones. The room is well-lit and designed with wood paneling and modern furnishings, indicating a professional or acad
September 03, 2014 MBA Blog

Words of Advice

Every year a new crop of students starts the MBA program at Yale SOM. Every year these new students have to figure out how to balance academics, leadership development, clubs, and the career search.

August 28, 2014 Master of Advanced Management Blog

2014 Orientation Roundup #YSOMOrientation

The MBA Class of 2016 and Master of Advanced Management (MAM) Class of 2015 took part in a weeklong program of orientation activities.

A group of people is gathered in an art gallery, listening to a guide who is explaining a painting on the wall. The attendees are casually dressed and facing the guide, with their backs to the camera. The gallery features several framed paintings on white walls, and the floor is made of light wood. The setting is well-lit, creating a bright and inviting atmosphere.
August 21, 2014 Master of Advanced Management Blog

Leadership Through Art: Three Perspectives from MAM Orientation

The Master of Advanced Management (MAM) Class of 2015 began a weeklong program of orientation activities on August 18.

May 19, 2014 Master of Advanced Management Blog

Congratulations to the MAM Class of 2014

Yale SOM's Master of Advanced Management graduated 38 students from 19 countries, and 14 schools in the Global Network for Advanced Management, on May 19.

May 16, 2014 Master of Advanced Management Blog

Six Human Needs

I recently learned in class what are the six human needs.

May 05, 2014 Master of Advanced Management Blog

My Trip to Israel for Global Network Week

Being in Israel for the GNW, had a positive impact in my professional and personal life.

April 29, 2014 Master of Advanced Management Blog

MAM Leadership Series Welcomes Siemens CEO Eric Spiegel

Siemens Corp USA, CEO, Eric Spiegel inspires students, ignites passion for the industry during his visit to Yale SOM.

April 21, 2014 Master of Advanced Management Blog

The MAM Experience

Arriving at Yale in 2013 entailed being a part of a lot of events as a Master of Advanced Management student.

April 15, 2014 Master of Advanced Management Blog

The end is near, near is the beginning

It is nothing short of super human to bring together 25 global business schools to move towards a conflated vision

March 17, 2014 Master of Advanced Management Blog

A Discussion with Andrew Kassoy from B-LAB

In a recent session, the MAM class had a wonderful meeting during the Colloquium of Advanced Management session where we met Andrew Kassoy, the Co-Founder of B-LAB.