Yale SOM Announces New Faculty Hires in Organizational Behavior, Economics, Accounting, and Management
Yale SOM welcomes Olav Sorenson, Professor of Organizational Behavior, and assistant professors Arthur Campbell, Kalin Kolev, and Constanca Esteves-Sorenson.
New Haven, Conn., July 1, 2009 – Yale School of Management Dean Sharon Oster today announced the addition of four new members of the school’s faculty, effective today. In senior appointments, Olav Sorenson, previously the Jeffrey S. Skoll Chair in Technical Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and Professor of Strategy at the University of Toronto Rotman School of Management, joins as Professor of Organizational Behavior. Dean Oster also announced the appointments of three assistant professors: Arthur Campbell in economics, Kalin Kolev in accounting, and Constança Esteves-Sorenson in management.
Commenting on the appointments, Oster said, "Our faculty are a key part of what makes Yale SOM a great institution. Even in these challenging economic times, it is essential that we continue to invest in the human capital that is the foundation of our research and teaching innovations, through recruiting both scholars who are preeminent in their fields and talented young junior faculty. I am delighted to welcome Olav Sorenson, a leading scholar in economic geography. He will be a valuable addition to the growing ranks of the school’s distinguished Organizational Behavior group. I am also pleased to welcome Arthur Campbell, Kalin Kolev, and Constança Esteves-Sorenson, outstanding young scholars in economics, accounting, and management."
Olav Sorenson joined the faculty of the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto in 2006. Prior to the Rotman School, he was Professor of Strategic and International Management at London Business School and also held faculty appointments at UCLA and the University of Chicago.
Professor Sorenson’s research interests include economic geography, economic sociology, entrepreneurship, organizational ecology, the sociology and management of science and technology, and business and corporate strategy. His most extensive line of research examines how social networks affect transactions, thereby shaping the geography and evolution of industries. Although Professor Sorenson has investigated these issues in a wide variety of settings, including banking, biotechnology, and footwear manufacturing, he has most extensively studied the entertainment industries and venture capital.
Professor Sorenson’s work has been published in many leading academic journals and he currently serves as the department editor for Management Science, on the editorial board of Small Business Economics, and as the advisory editor of Research Policy. He is the co-editor of two books: Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research; Disciplinary Perspectives (with S.A. Alvarez and R. Agarwal) and Geography and Strategy; Advances in Strategic Management (with J.A.C. Baum).
Professor Sorenson holds an AB in Social Studies from Harvard University, and an MA and a PhD in Sociology from Stanford University.
Also joining the Yale School of Management:
Arthur Campbell, assistant professor of economics, joins Yale from the doctoral program in economics at the MIT Sloan School of Management. His research interests include industrial organization, economic theory, and energy/environmental economics. Campbell’s recent research has examined word of mouth and signaling in social networks, and the effect government policies that support electricity generation from intermittent technologies (i.e. wind and solar) have on the long-run incentives for investment and generation from dispatchable electricity generation technologies (i.e. gas, coal, nuclear, and oil).
Kalin Kolev, assistant professor of accounting, is from the doctoral program in accounting at the NYU Stern School of Business. His research is in the areas of financial accounting and capital markets including fair value accounting, properties of non-GAAP earnings, special items, earnings management, voluntary disclosure, and corporate governance. In addition to his academic experience, Kolev has worked in the private sector as a market analyst at Universal Industrial Gases and as an associate at Avail Consulting.
Constança Esteves-Sorenson, assistant professor of management, joins Yale from the doctoral program in economics at the UC Berkeley Haas School of Business. Her work is in the areas of psychology and economics; labor economics; and industrial organization. She is interested in studying how psychological phenomena affect firm performance and markets, and how labor market dynamics such as hiring, compensation, and retention policies by firms affect both firm performance and outcomes for different groups of individuals. She has worked as a consultant at The Boston Consulting Group, an assistant brand manager at Procter & Gamble, and was a member of Portugal’s National Volleyball Team.