[WEBINAR] Misinformation in the Time of COVID: The Way Forward
Monday, Mar 22 2021 at 1:00 - 2:00 pm EDT
The COVID-19 pandemic has been plagued by misinformation, which has presented its own set of challenges. This event is intended to discuss the root causes of misinformation and how clinicians and scientists can fight its spread. In a time when the world is more connected than ever, it is becoming more and more important to ensure that individuals have access to credible knowledge that allows them to make the best decisions for their own health and the health of their loved ones.
Join us for an hour long discussion with an exceptional cross-disciplinary panel. Vaccinologist Dr. Saad Omer is the director of the Yale Institute of Global Health and a COVID 19 vaccine advisor to the WHO. Epidemiologist Dr. Lisa Fitzpatrick was formerly focusing on outbreaks at the CDC and is now the founder and CEO of Grapevine Health. Epidemiologist Gregg Gonsalves is the co-director of the Global Health Justice Partnership and is a MacArthur Genius Fellow. Behavioral scientist Katy Milkman is the author of How to Change and co-director of the Behavior Change for Good Initiative at Wharton. Behavioral scientist and Yale marketing professor Zoe Chance will moderate. The panelists will describe how they have been using research. social media, and on-the-ground grassroots efforts to spread accurate scientific information about COVID-19 and combat misinformation, with practical insights for educators and policy makers. There will be a formal discussion followed by audience Q&A.
When: March 22, 1pm ET
Register: https://yale.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lHhB7He-Q6qUe8Nz78YLZg