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[WEBINAR] Sustainability in the Post-COVID Economy

Friday, May 15 2020 at 1:00 - 2:00 pm EDT

Will corporate sustainability play a larger role for businesses seeking to emerge and grow in the post-COVID economy? After the experience of massive disruption from the pandemic, other global risks, such as climate change, chronic water shortages, and loss of ecosystem services, should become mainstream concerns for corporate financial planning, and the value of human capital, equality, and community development become more central to financial success. Governments, which suddenly have a heavier hand on the “tiller of the market” as a result of massive stimulus payouts, may focus on priorities such as clean energy and green infrastructure as the means to spur economic growth. This panel discussion will explore these possibilities and what steps must be taken to ensure an intelligent recovery from this crisis. Presented by the Yale Center for Business and the Environment and Yale Insights, the magazine of the Yale School of Management. Moderator: Todd Cort Lecturer in Sustainability, Yale School of Management; Faculty Co-Director, Yale Center for Business and the Environment Panelists: Marian Chertow Associate Professor of Industrial Environmental Management, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies Daniel C. Esty Hillhouse Professor of Environmental Law and Policy, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies and Yale Law School Douglas Kysar Deputy Dean and Joseph M. Field ’55 Professor of Law, Yale Law School