[WEBINAR] Cancelled - Wisdom from a Legendary Investor: Planning Ahead in Uncertain Times with Charley Ellis
Wednesday, Apr 29 2020 at 11:45 am - 12:45 pm EDT
Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, much about the long-term consequences, societal impacts, and timeline for recovery following this global tragedy remain unknown. In the face of a global economic slowdown, ten years of economic growth in the United States have ended, and across the world markets have dropped precipitously.
The Yale SOM community is invited to join Charley Ellis YC ‘59 for a talk titled, “Wisdom from a Legendary Investor: Planning Ahead in Uncertain Times.” Mr. Ellis will share lessons learned from more than three decades as the managing partner of Greenwich Associates, the international strategy-consulting firm he founded in 1972 and 25 years of consulting with wealthy families, large endowments and Sovereign Wealth Funds around the world. He will also share his outlook for the future and tips he has for planning ahead during uncertain times. Questions welcomed. Registration required.
When: Wednesday, April 29, 2020 | 11:45am ET
Where: https://yale.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_tJzo9Dg3SkyTnUywU5TR6g