London GNAM Alumni Master Class with Yale Professor Nicholas Christakis: "Using Social Networks for Good"
Monday, Oct 3 2016 at 1:00 - 4:00 pm EDT
London School of Economics
United Kingdom
All alumni of the Global Network for Advanced Management are invited to join Yale Professor Nicholas A. Christakis, who will deliver a 75-minute master class drawn from his current research on how the human social network structure and function can be used to intervene in the world to make it better.
Schedule: 6:00pm Registration 6:30pm Master Class 7:30pm Q&A 8:00pm Reception 9:00pm Adjourn
Cost: $13.50 per person (approx. £10, includes drinks and appetizers)
“Using Social Networks for Good:”
Human beings choose their friends, neighbors, and co-workers, and we inherit our relatives; and each of the people to whom we are connected also does the same, such that, in the end, we humans assemble ourselves into vast, face-to-face networks. Why do we do this? And how might an understanding of human social network structure and function be used to intervene in the world to make it better? Here, I review recent research describing two classes of interventions involving both offline and online networks that can help make the world better: (1) interventions that rewire the connections between people, and (2) interventions that manipulate social contagion, facilitating the flow of desirable properties within groups. I will illustrate what can be done using a variety of experiments in settings as diverse as fostering cooperation in networked groups online, to fostering health behavior change in developing world villages, to facilitating the diffusion of innovation or coordination in groups. By taking account of people's structural embeddedness in social networks, and by understanding social influence, it is possible to intervene in social systems to enhance population-level properties as diverse as health, wealth, cooperation, creativity, civic engagement, and immunity.
Nicholas A. Christakis
Sol Goldman Family Professor of Social and Natural Science
Nicholas A. Christakis, MD, PhD, MPH, is a social scientist and physician who conducts research in the areas of biosocial science, network science, and behavior genetics. He directs the Human Nature Lab at Yale University, and is the Co-Director of the Yale Institute for Network Science. He is the Sol Goldman Family Professor of Social and Natural Science, appointed in the Departments of Sociology; Medicine; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; and Biomedical Engineering at Yale University. Dr. Christakis received his BS from Yale University in 1984, his MD from Harvard Medical School and his MPH from the Harvard School of Public Health in 1989, and his PhD from the University of Pennsylvania in 1995. He was elected to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences in 2006 and was made a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2010. He began his career at the University of Chicago in 1995, where he was appointed as a Professor in the Departments of Sociology and Medicine. He moved his lab to Harvard University in 2001, where he was again appointed as a Professor in the Departments of Sociology and Medicine. While at Harvard, he also served as the Master of Pforzheimer House in Harvard College. In 2013, he moved his lab to Yale University. His current research focuses on our biology and health affect and are affected by social interactions and social networks. One body of work has focused on how ill health, disability, health behavior, health care, emotional states, and death in one person can influence the same phenomena in others in a person’s social network. This work involves the application of network science and mathematical models to understand the dynamics of diverse phenomena in longitudinally evolving networks (here and here). Other recent work has used experiments to examine the spread of altruism (here, here, and here) in social networks and the genetic and evolutionary determinants of social network structure (here, here, and here). Christakis has also conducted large-scale field trials in the developing world to explore how network methods might be deployed to change health behavior at the population level. Along with his long-time collaborator, James H. Fowler, Dr. Christakis had authored a book on social networks, published in 2009, Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives. This book has been translated into nearly 20 foreign languages, and it has been widely reviewed. Dr. Christakis’ past work was focused on topics related to end-of-life care, such as hospice care, widowhood and caregiver burden, ICU decision-making, and the role of prognostication in medicine (about which he has written three books, including clinical textbooks). In 2009, Christakis was named by Time magazine to their annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world. In 2009 and in 2010, he was listed by Foreign Policy magazine in their annual list of Top 100 Global Thinkers.