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Whitebox Advisors Graduate Student Conference 2015

International Center for Finance

Tuesday, May 5 2015 at 8:30 am - 6:00 pm EDT

165 Whitney Avenue
New Haven, CT 06511
United States

The Annual Whitebox Advisors Graduate Student Conference draws top doctoral students from around the world to present their research in the fields of Behavioral Economics, Behavioral Finance and Behavioral Marketing.  The goal of the conference is to foster an environment to promote interaction amongst doctoral student researchers, and to provide feedback for students presenting their work in these fields.

The research efforts in these fields have been helped immeasurably by the generous support of Andrew Redleaf of Whitebox Advisors.


In order to ensure we have space for all participants, we ask that you preregister at this site. Registration deadline Thursday, April 30, 2015.

For assistance, please contact Johanna Palacio at 203-436-0784 or


8:30am Registration and breakfast
Session One: Behavioral Finance
9:00am Alan Kwan, Cornell University
“Wisdom of Crowds in Social Media? Counter-evidence From a Large Financial Media Platform”
9:30am John R. Huck, University of Michigan
10:00am Konstantin Lucks, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
10:30am Erik Duhaime, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
11:00am Break
Session Two: Behavioral Economics
11:30am David Klinowski, University of Pittsburgh
12:00pm Christine L. Exley, Stanford University
12:30pm Lunch
Session Two: Behavioral Economics continued
2:00pm Diogo Geraldes, Maastricht University
2:30pm Wei Huang & Mi Luo, Harvard University/New York University
3:00pm  Anna Custers, University of Oxford
3:30pm Robert Mislavsky, University of Pennsylvania
4:00pm Break
4:30pm Jaeyeon Chung, Columbia University
5:00pm Scott Wallace, Duke University
5:30pm Elizabeth Friedman, Yale School of Management
“The Role of Similarity when Considering Alternatives to Purchase”
6:00pm Conference concludes


The Yale School of Management is inviting submissions for the 11th Annual Whitebox Advisors Graduate Student Conference. Graduate students are encouraged to submit papers in the areas of behavioral economics, behavioral finance, and behavioral marketing (specifically within the domains of consumer behavior and behavioral decision theory).

Applicants must be enrolled in a graduate program. To encourage scholarship by junior researchers, the behavioral economics and behavioral finance tracks will show a preference for papers with only students as authors.  Complete papers are preferred, but extended abstracts of 750-1000 words will also be considered. Submissions must be received by March 6th, 2015. Please submit your abstracts or papers to and indicate your subfield in the subject line.

Please note that for graduate student presenters and other selected graduate students, hotel accommodations and a travel stipend will be provided.

For questions and further information:

Submission Deadline: March 6, 2015
Conference Organizers:  Elizabeth Friedman, Sean Hundtofte, Wenxi Jiang, Peter Kelly