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Yale Student Startups: Battle Of The Elevator Pitches

Wednesday, Jul 14 2010 at 10:00 pm - Thursday, Jul 15 2010 at 12:00 am EDT

From food ventures to web-based software, diversity reigns among the ten student ventures participating in the 2010 YEI Summer Fellowship Program. Come hear the 60-second elevator pitches from these startups founded by Yale graduate and undergraduate students. Plus, mix and mingle with other entrepreneurs, alumni and investors in the Yale NYC community. For a sneak peak at the new ventures the Yale students are working on, visit NOTE: Attendance is limited to 75 for this event, and access will be on a first-come, first-serve basis -- RSVPing does not guarantee you a spot, so try to show up on time. This event is free of charge, and complimentary hors d'oeuvres will be provided. Jeans and sneakers are not allowed in the Yale Club. Presented by YEI-NYC, Yale Entrepreneurial Institute ( and YAAMN

Additional Information

  • Contact

    Shana Schneider
  • Location

    Yale Club New York City, New York USA