Rice Energy Finance Summit, Houston, 7am-5pm
Thursday, Oct 29 2009 at 11:00 am - 9:00 pm EDT
The MBA Council of Houston together with the RiceJones Graduate School of Business are convening the 2009 Rice Energy Finance Summit: "Balancing Risks and Opportunities in Times of Recovery" Speakers include: Doug Foshee, Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer, El Paso Corporation; Bobby Tudor, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Tudor Pickering Holt & Co., LLC; Jack Moore, Director, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Cameron Developments in Oil Field Services; John Hofmeister, Former President of Shell Oil Company, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Citizens for Affordable Energy. REGISTER HERE
Additional Information
business.rice.edu/REFS2009 -
Rice University, McNair Hall Houston, Texas USA