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Spring Break = Integrated Curriculum????

Spring break officially began today with our last take home finals due yesterday evening, yet today I found myself reliving highlights from this past semester and realizing just how much the past few months have changed the way I think... It all started while I was waiting in line to get a drug test (summer internships are around the corner...) As I proceeded to be served 1.5 hours AFTER my appointment time, I non-too-happily contemplated the horrible service this facility utilized and the improved efficiencies that could be achieved by increasing the number servers so as to decrease the Wq (waiting time) all of us impatient consumers could expect....a friendlier staff would have been nice too, but I think that may be beyond the scope of operations... I then made a pit stop at Starbucks for a soothing chai (needed to calm down after the drug test). While at Starbucks, I pulled out a book I'm reading to beef up on the insurance industry for my internship (I'll be doing a Finance LDP program) and began flashing back to state & society with the myriad of references to the importance of regulation in the industry and the controversy surrounding state-by-state regulation versus changing to a federally regulated system. And to pretty much round out this past semester's worth of courses, I came home this evening to have a chat with my mom, a retail store manager, about the difficulty she's having motivating her employees to achieve higher sales numbers given the economic environment in which we're all working in..."Employee say: don't just think monetary incentives, remember people are often motivated intrinsically" Maybe tomorrow I'll just get to enjoy the leisure of spring break...but then again, I cannot seem to shut it off! The new frames through which we see the world are becoming more apparent to me daily, and there's nothing like a drug test to get the ball rolling....