News in Systemic Risk: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 (10 a.m. ET)
U.S. Election
Financial Regulators Scramble to Complete Postcrisis Rules - Republicans urge policy makers not to rush new regulations before President-elect Trump takes office (WSJ)
Why it won't be easy for Trump to repeal Dodd-Frank (CNBC)
Fed Post-Employment Restrictions
Fed Tightens Rules Addressing Alleged “Revolving Door” With Wall Street - More employees would be prevented from taking paying work from financial institutions for one year (WSJ)
Systemically Important Banks
Financial Stability Board: FSB publishes 2016 G-SIB list
Citigroup tops list of global banks posing systemic risk - Three of the biggest US lenders will have to hold extra capital (Financial Times)
New EU Rules Would Force Big Foreign Banks to Hold More Capital in the Bloc - Proposals would affect banks identified by regulators as institutions of significance to global financial system (WSJ)
Italy’s Banks Are in a Slow-Motion Crisis. And Europe May Pay. (New York Times)
Bank of England: Consultation on restoring the deposit protection limit to £85,000
ECB’s Benoît Cœuré: Addressing Europe's economic and political challenges
ECB’s Danièle Nouy: The European banking sector - New rules, new supervisors, new challenges
ECB: Annual assessment of significance brings number of banks directly supervised by the ECB to 127
ECB Working Paper: Bank efficiency and regional growth in Europe - new evidence from micro-data
Bank of Canada Review: Reinventing the Role of Central Banks in Financial Stability