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back in the hom

It's been a while, but seeing that it's another Friday and I'm chillin' in the Hall of Mirrors, I figure it's time for another post. I've been here in New Haven for the past few days to help Microsoft with recruiting. It's been a good time so far. Aside from the official events, I've been spending some quality time in my old haunts (the Hall of Mirrors and Food for Thought) hanging out and talking to people while doing a bit of work in between. The only difference is that instead of doing classwork, I'm doing work work (or "real" work). It's been great catching up and seeing people's reactions as they realize that I'm not really supposed to be here. (-; A lot of people have asked me how it feels to come back. Truthfully, it really doesn't feel that strange. It feels similar to how I felt when I came back for my second year here - I knew almost all the second years and there were a lot of new faces coming in the first year class. I'm sure it will feel different next year when all the faces will be new, save a few from 2010 that I happen to know. Still, I'm planning to return as often as possible. I love Seattle, but I have fond memories of my time in New Haven. Oh... and last night I went out to a birthday gathering and ended up at S'wings followed by Club Med. Nope, things really haven't changed that much!